Believe in Yourself!
We hear this a lot. “Believe in yourself!” It’s something I say to clients and athletes all the time. In order to be great at anything whether in fitness, athletics or in life, you “have to” believe that you can do what you’ve set out to accomplish.
No one can do it for you. No one can want it for you more than you want it for yourself.
You and only you have to see your goal to completion if it is something you truly desire.
Too many times we talk about what we want, but don’t really set out to get it. It’s the “wish I could”, “that would be nice”, “only if I had,” and on and on they go.
Those who do accomplish what they set their minds to are labeled “lucky” or the “fortunate ones.”
This past week we traveled to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. for the 2012 AAU National TKD Championships. Team Trinity trains all year for this event. This is the climax of the season for our TKD athletes.

First, we set a goal. As a team it’s competing and bringing home National Champions every year.

Next, we design a program to bring out the best in our athletes and give them the tools needed to train hard, train smart and progress along the way.
Third, is a pretty important part… Commit and follow through! We don’t create a goal and a plan then sit around and wait for the universe to hand us gold medals. We train and execute on a daily bases to build our athletes physically and mentally.
And finally, when everything is in place, we WIN! This year we WON big! Every year we bring back a lot of gold from nationals, but this year we took 5 athletes and brought back 5 National Champions!

These ladies put everything they had into everything I asked of them and it paid off. It’s tough to consistently put in hours and hours of unspectacular preparation for moments of spectacular results, but ask anyone of the five and they’ll tell you, they’d do it all again.
As a matter of fact, four of the five athletes we took had won nationals once or twice before. This team knew what it took to win and accomplished our goal!
Does this make them lucky? NO. This makes them prepared. This makes the goal, the program for accomplishing the goal, the follow through and commitment to finishing what they started an appropriate goal for them.
You can use the same goal accomplishment system we did to accomplish, weight loss, fitness, athletics and life goals. It’s really quite simple when you have a system to get you there.
Now go out and be a CHAMPION at what you want to accomplish!

Start Strong, Finish Stronger!
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