Are You Ready to Lose 12-15 Pounds in the next 24 Days?
Step-By-Step Guide to Boosting your Metabolism, Increasing your Energy and Dropping Body Fat in Just 24 Days...
Back in 2008 I created the first version of the 8 Week Peak Performance Lifestyle System. It superseded my expectations for helping clients and seminar participants with everything they needed to lose weight and take back control of their health. Fast forward to 2019. We still haven't made a dent in the obesity epidemic in the United States. Now we are reaching an alarming rate of health related deaths in America both in adults and more recently, children. I feel that now is the time to release a new and improved version of my program!
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There are hundreds of programs out there claiming to have "the solution" to the obesity epidemic. However, with all these solutions 67% of the U.S. population is now considered obese. Obesity is one thing, but the illnesses that come with it can be debilitating. Heart disease, high blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes and cancer are among the most serious health problems related to obesity. Poor digestion and inflammation in the digestive track from packaged and processed foods have been linked to depression, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), acid reflex, heart burn, thyroid issues, Polycistic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and more. Most if not all of these can be prevented if we learn to clean up our nutrition correctly.
As a fitness professional it's my life mission to help people "get" and stay healthy. Whether it's weight loss or a healthier lifestyle, both can be achieved with the same approach. There are 3 main reasons most people fail to see results with a fitness and nutrition program.
First, is a flawed approach or ineffective technology. A good example of this is the "tummy trimmer, waist reduction" belts I see women (and some men) wearing in the gym. This belt will only squeeze and cook your insides. If weight loss is the goal, this, as with most products out there, is not the solution.
Second, is unrealistic expectations. This may seem like common sense, but it seems common sense tends to find itself in the back seat when it comes to fitness and weight loss goals. For example, a bottle of "fatty fat sucker outer" which claims to eliminate fat over night and have you 20 pounds lighter by the weekend is more than likely not going to happen. But, that doesn't stop them (the manufacturers) from selling thousands of bottles from an infomercial. If it sounds too good to be true, it is!
And finally lack of commitment and follow through are the third reason for failure on a fitness and nutrition program. Seems these days when the going get tough, the tough are know where to be found. Too many quit before the end of the first day. Change takes time and time is going to happen one second at a time. Being patient and having relentless commitment and dedication to replacing unhealthy habits with good ones is going to pay off.
The 8 Week Peak Performance Lifestyle System IS different from all the gizmos, gadgets and fad diets out there because it's built on a foundation of practical fitness and nutrition information and techniques that have helped thousands of my clients, seminar attendees and group exercise participants achieve incredible results in short periods of time and the most important part... THEY KEEP IT OFF!
Fad diets don't work because they promote a beginning and an end. The information in the middle should be filled with cream, because it's nothing but fluff. It just doesn't work. You'll be deeply disappointed with your results if you expect to see changes from a program that boasts of no changes in physical activity levels or daily nutrition on your part.
"You can't out train a poor diet!" It doesn't matter how much you sweat in the gym, if your nutrition isn't dialed in, you will not see much in the form of weight loss. What you've been doing has lead you up to this moment. If you're not happy with the way you look and feel, then obviously it's not the right path to continue, Right?
Nutrition is the foundation for healthy living. But what exactly is supportive nutrition? Nutrition is the body's fuel source. If the foods are high in acid and processed additives, there's a good chance your digestive system is battling with inflammation. Inflammation can cause many of the problems described above. All of these can be avoided, reversed or at least kept under control over time with the proper nutrition program.
This program covers nutrition guidelines along with the elimination program and rotation nutrition guidelines which help lower if not eliminate inflammation in the gut. The program will give your body a rest from the foods you eat on a regular bases and help reset your body's digestive system. Understanding which foods are supportive to your goals and which ones should be avoided is important if you want to see dramatic results.
Another great benefit of having a properly functioning digestive system is mood enhancement. Too many people are taking antidepressant prescription drugs to help coupe with mood swings and depression. These drugs only work on the brain leaving most patients in an emotionless, zombie like state. For me personally, I don't think that's the way to live. Cleaning up the digestive system and cleansing the gut will help mood enhancement. There are more endorphins "mood enhancers" in the digestive tract and gut than in the brain. If we clean up the digestive system, we clean up our moods!
There is no end to healthy living, its a daily choice. You either want to live vibrantly, full of energy and youth or you don't. If you choose to regain your health, lose weight and look and feel better than you have in years, my program will work for you.
This program is for anyone looking to lose weight and/or inches, increase energy, feel better both physically and mentally, clean up poor digestion and for anyone disgusted and fed up with the way things are now and knows there's a better way!
This is your time, this is your year to take control of your health NOW!
There's no more guess work when it comes to fitness and nutrition. The 8 Week Peak Performance Lifestyle System comes with a complete plan of action to help you achieve the results you want in record time. You will receive...
8 week Supplement Program
All NEW "Rule of 3" and Nutrition Guidelines
Elimination Program
Rotation Nutrition Guidelines
Healthy easy to make Recipes
8 week Fitness Routine
Affirmations and Goal Setting
Daily Stretching and Stress Reduction
Unlimited email access to my coaching staff
and much more!
Special Limited Time BONUS
Sign up NOW to receive 90 day "All Access" to my online membership for FREE! ($87 value)
For a limited time, Enter promo code 24DC to receive $50 OFF.

If you're not completely satisfied with your results!