Jamie Lee Curtis Has Lost Her Mind!
If you’re a JLC fan… let me explain before you get bent out of shape over the title.
You may have noticed the Activia (yogurt) commercials lately. Jamie Lee Curtis is the celebrity spokesperson for the company. During these commercials she’s explaining the “idea” behind eating yogurt and the benefits it “could” “possibly” have on your digestive system as well as overall health and well-being.
She continues by adding in order to see benefits from Activia, you… the consumer will need to eat a cup - 8oz. of it 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
So far nothing too out of the ordinary, right? I mean, by now, you may even be contemplating running right out and grabbing some. Before you do, put down the car keys and keep reading. I’m going to show and tell what the commercials fail to mention about their product.
Have you looked at the ingredients in Activia? Have you seen what’s in it?
There’s 37 grams of sugar for 8oz. only 8 grams of protein and 240 calories! What the heck?

Looking further at the ingredients, there’s lots of "stuff" in here that makes it unhealthy too. Corn starch (which is mentioned 3 separate times in the ingredients) is not a real good way to cleanse your digestive track.
Here are a few other things to look at... under the active cultures they only list 3 active cultures in their yogurt. One of which isn't highly found in the digestive track when looking at all the different bacteria together. And look at trade marked culture at the end "Bifidus Regularis" Yeah, that's as real as a "net carb!" (for those of you who don't know... net carbs aren't real!)
The first set of ads I saw about 6 months to a year ago had JLC (Jamie Lee Curtis) walking, talking and promoting all on her own.
They claim Activia is clinically and scientifically better for you than other yogurt brands, but when looking at the ingredients, there’s nothing in it or left out that makes it better than any other yogurt. However, they do charge more than regular yogurt brands!

Lately, the ads feature groups of women hanging out with JLC. Have you taken a close look at the groups they’ve selected? Mature older women, right? There’s nothing wrong with this. As we age (as well as when we’re young) it’s important to keep the digestive system working properly.
Have you picked up on what the underlying messaging in the ads? First, in American society we tend to listen to mom when it comes to food choices. Most of those women look like they could be our mom’s. Subliminally we need to listen to what they say.
If you read last week’s post, you saw that plain Greek yogurt is a much better alternative than 99% of the junk food yogurt out there. I gave you a great yogurt recipe for a healthy snack too. Here’s the nutrition info for the Greek yogurt.
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!
Thanks Nathan,
Great article. I’m only grateful that I was diagnosed as allergic to milk (cow’s milk) and that I’ve taken it out of my diet completely.
However, if you’re going to choose Dairy, choose wisely. It’s definitely a product with a lot of mystery surrounding it as a health food.
Most of what comes packaged is made in a way that makes it last longer on the shelves and that can’t be healthy.
We were meant to eat anything from the planet, however, we were also meant to eat it whole and fresh. Beware any choices that are not whole or fresh.
To your health.
PS- You should check out my friend’s site as well… I’m sure she would expand on your healthy choices.
http://www.BrainAndBodySolutions.com (Stephanie is also in the Neighborhood with Trinity)…. You’re both good people.