Fit – Fat People
You’ve heard me talk about “skinny – fat people” so what’s a “fit – fat person?” Fit – fat people are those you see in the gym everyday working out or running around the park for miles but are still fat.
What I mean is these folks can lift heavy and have a strong core but have fat around their midsection. They are the runners that can run miles and miles and still want more, but if you see them in street clothes, you might think, “man, get to the gym.”
These are fit – fat people.
Another example is exercise enthusiasts that have taken something to an extreme and are good at it, but don’t have the other parts of the program in balance.

Most of the time it’s the supportive nutrition that’s lacking from their program. Regardless of how many times a week you lift weights or run 5 to 10 miles a session, you will still look fat and be frustrated with your appearance if you don’t eat supportively.
We’ve talked for years about supportive nutrition and what it means. Here’s a little recap.
We instruct clients and gym members to eat what is known around Trinity as the “Rule of 3.”
The “Rule of 3” means you eat a lean protein, starchy carbohydrate and a fibrous carbohydrate with every meal.

You should try to get a meal in every three to three and half hours.
Meals should be visually equal portion sizes, and you should eat until you’re full. That’s right, until you are full!
Things to remember…
Avoid hydrogenated oils
Limit saturated fats (fats that are solid at room temperature)
Limit/Avoid sugar (ALL SUGAR!)
REMEMBER! If fat loss is the goal, sugar is out!
Drink plenty of water
Stay away from any foods labeled enriched, processed, fortified or any other words that make the product sound great. This includes wheat products.
If you start making supportive nutrition a higher priority, you will not only see a difference in your fat loss, but you’ll also notice a difference in your performance levels too!
We have helped 100 of runners and other athletes in general with optimizing fat loss while strengthening their bodies to increase performance and reduce injuries.

For more information call us at 404.966.KICK (5425) or a for a free consultation request more info. Fitness Consultation.
Start Strong, Finish Stronger in 2012!
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San Francisco, CA.