You against yourself, PERIOD!
Lately, it seems, more than normal, that folks are really beating themselves up. I think since the economy isn’t very consistent, people are still worried about job security and weight loss has always been a struggle for most people in our society, now more than ever people are not giving themselves a break.

Often times, we give ourselves the easy way out. If things get too hard, we find a reason to quit. If we don’t like the our environment or the people around us, rather than changing it, we use it as an excuse.
But, that’s not what I’m talking about today. I’m talking about the ones in the trenches, the ones putting forth the effort to change, but are having some setbacks.
When we plan a weight loss program, it is set in an ideal world situation. Meaning, we don’t think in advance that there may be times where things don’t go our way. But, rather than give up, we need to step back, take a breather and look at the big picture.

For example, I have a client that has lost 70 pounds in less than 6 months. Over the past couple weeks (maybe a month now) she’s, in her mind, fallen off the wagon. She’s even apologized to me for failing.
But, I don’t think she’s a failure. She already lost 70 pounds! That alone is pretty freakin’ awesome! (wouldn’t ya say?)
Sometimes we need to give ourselves a break and understand that our plan, whether for fitness and weight loss or finances or relationships, may have setbacks. This isn’t a time to get upset and throw in the towel. Take this opportunity to reflect on what you did right, examine and make corrections to the things that could be done better and keeping moving forward!
The best way to stay in a positive mindset is to surround yourself with positive people. They don’t necessarily have to have the exact same goals, but they should have a champions attitude when faced with adversity. They will be there for you and you for them when they need support.

And remember, it’s you against yourself, the best you that you can be. Don’t compare yourself to where others are. You aren’t them. You are YOU! If you feel you aren’t living up to your potential then you need to change that, but if you’re consistently comparing yourself to others around you, you will always come up short.
The main thing is to never lose sight of your goals and never give up on yourself! Believe YOU can… and YOU WILL!
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!
Thanks, Nathan! I needed that little pick-me-up today. Well said!
Great timing on this one, Nathan. And I was thinking – if she is comfortable with it – let us know who the person is that lost those 70 lbs in 6 months. I’d like to reach out to her with a big virtual pat on the back!