Simple vs. Easy Part 2
In part 1 I explained the difference between simple vs. easy terminology. Today, I’m going to explain a "simple" program that you can start using right now.
Since this is a blog and not an article, I’m not going to go into specific details, but you will have a clear understanding of what needs to be in a program in order for you to be successful at weight loss.
First, if you are going to see long lasting results. I’m not talking about quick fad diets that drop 10-15 pounds in 15 minutes, just to gain 25 pounds or more when you stop using it.
The program I’m referring to is a long lasting, life changing, body transforming program that you can use forever!
Let’s get started…
There are 4 components or what I like to call "The 4 Pillars" that must be addressed if a weight loss program is going to deliver results.
The first is Supportive Nutrition. This is where most people fail from the beginning and the most difficult of all 4 components to understand. Simply (like how I through that in there) follow what we call at Trinity, the “Rule of Three.”

Make sure you have a visually equal portion size of a lean protein, starchy carbohydrate and a fibrous carbohydrate with every meal. Have a meal every 3 to 3.5 hours. Limit saturated fat. That’s any fat that’s stays solid at room temperature. Avoid hydrogenated oils, processed and simple carbohydrates and remember, if fat loss is the goal, sugar is out!
Second is Moderate Aerobic Exercise.Too much emphasis is placed on this component by well meaning, uneducated personal trainers and most weight loss and diet books/programs out there.

With a combination of low calorie diets and excessive amounts of cardio which burns calories, the body goes into a calorie deprivation mode. Rather than burning fat, the body holds onto fat (because it can survive off fat longer) and feeds on muscle to stay alive.
This decrease in muscle tissue slows metabolism, slows fat burning and gives the “fat skinny” person look. If you’re not familiar with my “fat skinny” person term, it’s someone who looks good in tight clothes, but won’t be caught dead in a bathing suit, because they have no muscle tone or definition. It’s all flab.
Whether you're going out for a bike ride or chasing your pet around the coffee table, get your heart rate up for 10-20 minutes.
Next is Challenging Muscle. Muscle is where metabolism lives. If you want to burn fat, you have to increase muscle. The more lean muscle you develop, the higher your metabolism. The fastest way to develop muscle is to use full body workouts with a cardio aspect added within the workout.

For example, Squats, pushups, split squats, pull ups and jumping jacks, would be a simple workout (definitely not easy) but a great way to work the upper and lower body and adding a cardio aspect with split squats and jumping jacks
And finally, the one that most programs forget to include is Rest and Recovery. Several years ago there was a huge ad campaign referring to the “stubborn belly fat hormone.” Do you remember what the hormone was called? It’s Cortisol.
We are constantly bombarded with stress. Stress at home, work, driving, etc. Some stress is good stress. An example of good stress is working out. But, the majority of us encounter negative stress. This bad stress could be being late for work and sitting in traffic.
There are several ways to manage Cortisol levels. One way is to stay active. Keeping an active lifestyle helps burn up Cortisol so it’s not sitting there adding to fat stores. If going out for a run or hitting the gym isn’t an option, taking time to shut down can also help with Cortisol too.

Several of my clients are executives of corporations and can’t leave the office in the middle of the day, but they can close their office door, turn off the lights and listen to some relaxing music to help them de-stress and unwind.
If you take these 4 pillars and use them according to the way I outlined, you will see success! I guarantee it.
As I said in Part 1, this program is simple to lay out. Simple to understand, Simple to break down into parts and apply each, but it’s not EASY!

There are no “EASY Buttons” when it comes to weight loss. Now, I’ll be honest, most of my clients, members and seminar participants that stick to the program and see extremely satisfying results; like, 20, 30 and even 75 and 100+ pounds lost; will tell you, it was a lot easier than they thought. However, saying it was as easy as the infomercials and ads claim it to be is just not realistic.
Are you ready?
Let’s get started!
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!
I have found that other weight reduction plans aren’t easy or simple and they also don’t work. Do you get results? That’s what I’m asking and I can say for sure that Nathan’s program works and keeps on working if you just do it.