Tis’ the season to be Jolly! If you are not careful, you could end up looking like Santa Claus!

As we enter another holiday season, it is easy to lose focus of the big picture. I am not talking about getting together with friends and giving and all that stuff. That should be a given.
I am talking about your fitness goals. Remember the ones you had New Year’s Eve? Yeah, it has been a year already.
There are approximately 4 weeks left in 2019. While you are out and about running from store to store and from party to party, do not forget to take time for yourself to work out and eat correctly (okay, splurge some too).
It is very easy to gain 10 to 15 pounds in less than a month if you are not careful. I’ll show you how tomorrow in my special report, “How to Gain 10 to 15 Pounds Quicker than You did Last Year.”
If time is an issue or your evenings are full, I recommend working out in the morning. This will give you time to get your workouts in and have time to party and shop in the evening. You will feel good about getting your workout in and not feeling so bad when you eat that second piece of pie.
It’s a Win, Win!
Trinity's "12 Days of Fitness" giveaway!
Starting tomorrow, Trinity is launching the "12 Days of Fitness" giveaway! We are offering special reports on workouts, nutrition, safety during the holiday's and more!
You don't want to miss it. Add your name to the list to make sure you don't miss anything! "12 Days of Fitness"
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Nice BEFORE picture bro. It’s funny how your legs are still in great shape!! LOL.