There’s something missing.
I was talking to a corporate client a few days ago and that statement, “there’s something missing” was part of it.
What was missing?
She comes to group exercise classes 3-4 times a week, works out on her own 2-3 times a week and performs cardio exercises too. She's really frustrated and ready to give up. Does this sound familiar?

What could possibly be missing?
There are 4 pillars to effective weight (fat) loss. If a fitness program is missing anyone of them, the results will be small and temporary.
Yes, lately I’ve been talking a lot about nutrition. You’ve noticed. Great! So, why is it that so many people still can’t get it?
There’s no magic pill to pop, no “Easy” button to push and certainly no gizmo to strap to your belly and make the fat go away.

The only thing left, if aerobic exercise, challenging muscle and rest & recovery are in place and that is nutrition.
I’ve been explaining this for years in seminars and to training clients. I’ve outlined simple, effective steps in order to manage food intake, give your body the nutrients and vitamins it needs to sustain activity and keep you looking, feeling and playing younger.
But, many people don’t listen. Why not? Has your way been working for you? Probably not if you’re asking me about nutrition and exercise.

So, why not listen to me. Just for let’s say 21 days… What do you have to lose? Maybe some weight, right?
But nothing else and you can always go back to what you were doing before. But, in all honesty, give me 21 days and I’ll change your life.
This Saturday, June 23rd from 12-2pm I’m laying it all out for you. Discussing everything from what you’re eating right now that keeps you fat to my secret strategy I used to lose 16 pounds in less than 6 weeks!
Not only that, you get some pretty cool bonuses for registering. You can get all the details at Trinity’s Nutrition Breakthrough Seminar, “How to lose 10-12 Pounds in the Next 21 Days!"
When you have all for pillars in place the result is SUCCESSFUL weight (fat) loss! GUARANTEED!

If now isn’t the right time, when will it ever be?
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!