As many of you know, Trinity is sponsor of the Dirty Girl Mud Run series. This past weekend we were out in full force to support the race and Team Trinity.

It was a great and exciting event.
First, it supports breast cancer research. My mother had breast cancer in 2000 and this past Thanksgiving was diagnosed with it again. So, it hits close to home.
Second, it gets women out and doing an adventure race event. This event is easier than the Tough Mudder or even the Spartan Race, but that’s not the point. The point is, this is a starting point for some to get out there and see if it’s something they want to really get into.
We found lots of women coming over to our booth and asking, “This was my first event. I loved it! What’s next?” Of course we talke about Team Trinity and our event schedule we tackle as a team.
Team Trinity showed up with several members. Stacy, Lacey, Aisha and Steph made up the team. This was Steph and Aisha’s first event.

Let me say…. THEY KILLED IT!
They finished the 3 miles and 11 obstacles in 45 minutes!
After they crossed the finish line, the first thing they said was, “we can run that faster! Let’s do it again!”

Geez oh Petes, we’ve created monsters! Well, they did run it again and finished it less than 35 minutes.

It was definitely obvious to passersby that Trinity is more than a gym, as Robert put it, “Trinity is a family!” and that’s what we are!
I’m so proud of everyone who showed up and participated. We had several team members running with other groups of friends come out too. Sidney, Crystal and LeAnn finished the race too. Congratulations to everyone and a big thank you to all the gym members and Team Trinity members who came out supported our team and helped spread the word about Trinity!
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!