Finish What You Start!
It's so easy to quit.
Quitting is all around us from an early age.
We see it on the news... government bailouts
We see it in school... classmates don't finish
We see it in sports... players walking out on a team
and on and on we go.

When I was training for the Junior Olympics (I was 15 at the time) my TKD coach always talked about leaving it all in the gym (training) and leaving it all on the mat (fighting) when it came to your effort. Give it all you have, every time, regardless of the odds or who you were fighting.
"It's never over , til it's over," is something I say to the teams I coach now.
A friend of mine, David Martin said, Quit once, it's pretty tough, quit twice it's not as bad, quit for a third time... and your nothing but a quitter!
It gets easier and easier to make excuses rather than make a successful effort.
At the end of it all, when we're facing the end of our lives, it's just us staring back at our reflection in the mirror. What will you remember?
The shoulda finished this....
and the
Coulda finished that's....
or will you remember
The races (competitions) you completed, maybe even won and the commitments that you made to yourself and others which in turn made you a faster, stronger, better more confident person?!?!
What's the worst that could happen?
If it's a competition, maybe you don't win. Maybe your best wasn't good enough, but you DID IT! You finished what you started.
It's easy to say we're going to do something, but it takes an all out effort every day to get from where you are to where you want to go. Especially, if the goal is a BIG one!
Look at what you've started, weight loss, a competition, a healthier lifestyle, etc. All excuses aside, you'll see the only thing stopping you, is YOU!
Recommit to yourself today and FINISH WHAT YOU'VE STARTED!
To your continued success!
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!