Team Trinity!
We have 12 days left until Team Trinity tackles the Tough Mudder adventure race.
11 Miles
26 Obstacles
and lots and lots of mud!
Our team has bee training for the last 12 weeks in proeperation for the event. With less than 2 weeks left, we're putting the finishing touches on training. For example making sure everyone can climb up the 20 foot rope climb, belly crawl under barbed wire and run the 11 mile course.
Checkout one of the team videos here.
The hard work and determination of the group has been awesome. Many of the members couldn't imagine 12 weeks ago, doing some of the workouts we've been completing, but they have!
Several team members have lost over 20 pounds in the last 12 weeks!
Anything is possible if you put your mind to it and stick to it until the end!

Find something you want to accomplish and go for it. What's stopping you? Nothing... just YOU!
Get started today and make 2012 your BEST YEAR EVER!
For more info on our team checkout our team site... Team Trinity
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!