Happy New Year!

If you ate an additional 200 calories a day during the holiday season, that was enough to gain an extra 10 pounds over the course of a couple weeks. If your clothes are fitting a little tighter and you're ready to get back on track with your nutrition, then here is a helpful tip to getting those pounds off fast!
This tip is actually a little known secret in the fitness and nutrition industry. In fact, the average personal trainer doesn't know this secret and those that do will be upset that I'm offering this up to the masses. That's tough for them!

The "law" states that if you consume more calories than you burn you will gain weight. If you consume less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. It's really that simple.
If you can't afford to hire a professional to assist you with your weight loss/ fat loss goal and don't have any medical conditions that would restrict this approach, start by taking your weight and adding a zero to the end.
This number represents how many calories you should consume in a day.
Divide the total calories over 5 to 6 meals and you have the amount of calories you should consume with each meal.
Remember, these calories should come from visually equal portion sizes of a starchy carbohydrate, fibrous carbohydrate, and lean protein.

Here's an example: You weigh 180 pounds. Add a zero. This gives you a total of 1800. Divide 1800 by 5 meals per day, and the answer is 360 calories per meal.
This alone will help you shed those unwanted pounds. But don't forget that you also have to challenge muscle, get some aerobic exercise and rest for the effects to be beneficial and long lasting.
If you're looking for a program that will give you the weight loss and healthy goals you've set for yourself, we can help. Check out our TAKE 21 - 21 Day Transformation Program.
Start Strong, Finish Stronger in 2012!