I've been having an amazing time with the girls and boy (coach)! Nathan fights tomorrow and we all wish him the very best luck ever. He has been a wonderful coach to us 5 girls and we have learned so much and improved tremendously over the past 6 months. I don't think any of us can say we are the same people that we were before we joined the Trinity TKD team. We have all grown as individuals and as a family. Thanks to Nathan we are bringing home a butt-load of shiny medals and a myriad of great and hilarious memories. It has been an enjoyable journey all along, but surely not an easy one. We have all trained very hard and have pushed ourselves past preconceived limits and doubts. We have all had good and bad days and have helped each other work through them all. We truly have become a family and I care for them all tremendously. I am very grateful to have had them on my side to hold me up along the way. A funny secret too, I think we all kick in our sleep now and wake ourselves up periodically through the night.

Rachel is the brain of the group and a solid rock to lean on, Stace is the glue and kinda team mom, Susie is kind of a momma herself and she definitely adds a lot of color and excitement to the group. Ashley is a brain too and she comes out of nowhere with the most hilarious comments....good timing and delivery, just like her kicks! Nathan is obviously our coach and gets to boss us around and keep us in line as we expect him to. He can also get pretty silly with us and be a fabulous buddy. God knows the boy loves pizza. These guys have become a second fam. and I regard them all very highly. I hope that I get to to it all again with them next year!
We did get a little time to relax, a little beach and a little pool, but I will definitely be ready to celebrate tomorrow night after we are all done fighting. I am looking forward to pizza and a couple of beers for sure!
Thanks N for taking us on a great journey and I am very happy to bring home two gold medals to add to the Trinity collection!!