Congratulations! This is the beginning of your 21 Day Total Transformation journey.
First step is the basic fitness assessment. Download the chart and fill out the information. Don't skip this step. Its important to know you're starting point. You will finish the T21 program with a final assessment to have a side by side comparison of your transformation.
Fitness Assessment
Goals and Objectives Worksheet
New "Rule of 3" for 2016
WEEK 1: Days 1-7
Trinity's TAKE 21 Program Workbook Week 1
Week 1: Video - Functional 6 Workout Routine
WEEK 2: Days 8-14
Trinity's TAKE 21 Program Workbook Week 2
Week 2: Video - Yoga Postures
Week 2: Video - DB Workout Routine
Week 2: Video - Functional 6 Modifications
Week 2: Video - DB Cleans
WEEK 3: Days 15-21
Trinity's TAKE 21 Program Workbook Week 3
Week 3: Video - Squat w/ Front Raise
Week 3: Video - SB Passovers
Week 3: Video - SB Push Ups
Week 3: Video - Dips
Week 3: Video - Straight Bar Reverse Curls
Week 3: Video - SB Hip Roll
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at
Please write "T21 Question" in the subject line.